Understanding Our Inner Autumn: Self-Care to Ease PMT
Menstrual Cycle Awareness: Our Inner Autumn
If you're new to menstrual cycle awareness, it might be helpful to start with an introduction to the phases in this blog post.
Understanding Inner Autumn
Inner Autumn refers to the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, occurring after ovulation when the egg hasn’t been fertilized, leading to menstruation. This phase also appears at other times in our life cycles too: menopause and the third trimester of pregnancy. Though challenging, it offers profound insights into personal growth.
Key Qualities
Following the heightened energy and social vibrancy of our Inner Summer, Inner Autumn is about turning inward. Energy begins to wane, and focus becomes more internal and reflective. It is this time our inner truths may surface courtesy of our inner critic, and we are no longer tolerant of what does not serve us. This is what Alexandra Pope of Red School calls the "no bullshit zone." This inner critic can trigger emotions like anxiety, rage, grief, and irritability. I like to rename PMT as Pre-Menstrual Truth!
Why Face the Inner Critic?
The inner critic, though harsh, holds you accountable. It highlights areas where you’re out of alignment with your inner truth. The principle here is that the cycle isn’t flawed, but something in life might be. The intense emotions can guide you to uncover what’s truly wrong. For instance, blowing up over dirty dishes may mask a deeper issue—feeling unsupported or taken for granted.
Inner Autumn isn’t about smoothing things over but addressing truths head-on. It reveals where boundaries have been crossed or where you’ve strayed from your goals. This is also a time of pruning—letting go of what’s no longer working.
Long-Term Change
Ideally, we make small adjustments throughout the cycle, but sometimes bigger changes are necessary, especially if we’ve ignored issues for too long. If left unaddressed, these messages will keep coming back, often louder, until we take action.
During menopause, these messages can be overwhelming, especially if personal needs have been neglected for years. This heightened awareness often leads women to set stronger boundaries, pursue their goals, and no longer tolerate mistreatment.
Heightened Sensitivity
In Inner Autumn, sensitivity to both personal needs and the world around us increases. This heightened awareness can trigger strong feelings about injustices, whether personal or global. It’s essential to check whether the emotions are your own or a reflection of broader societal concerns. With this heightened sensitivity, self-care becomes crucial to prevent emotional overwhelm.
Self-Care During Inner Autumn
To align with Inner Autumn, create space to reflect and listen to your inner needs. Here are some self-care practices:
Slow Down: Reduce the intensity of your schedule by booking quiet time for yourself.
Walk Daily: Walking helps process emotions, maintain energy, and connect with nature.
Protect Your Energy: If you experience PMT, avoid social situations that might intensify symptoms. Personal space is key.
Channel Your Inner Critic: Use this time for tasks that require a critical eye, like reviewing finances or decluttering.
Set Boundaries: Practice saying ‘No’ and asking for what you need.
Limit Social Media: Stepping away from social media can help reduce comparison and anxiety.
Prioritize Sleep: Lack of sleep exacerbates emotions, so ensure you get enough rest.
Restorative Yoga: Use this practice to deeply rest and connect with your inner self.
Treat Yourself: Book a soul-nourishing activity to rejuvenate.
Diet Matters: Reduce sugar, alcohol, and caffeine as they can worsen symptoms like bloating and disrupt sleep. Opt for healthier snacks like dark chocolate.
Meal Prep: Prepare or batch cook meals to make eating well easier during your bleed days.
Organize Your Tasks: Create a list of priorities and either complete them before your bleed or schedule them for afterward, reducing stress.
Insight and Reflection: If you uncover areas needing change, write them down. These changes may take time, but each cycle can bring clarity.
Embrace Your Emotions
While these practices help maintain balance, your emotions may still be heightened. If triggered, avoid reacting immediately. Instead, take a moment to reflect on the root cause before responding. This will help you communicate your needs more effectively.
Final Thoughts
Make space for yourself, reflect on what’s working, and note any changes you want to make. By charting your cycle each month, you can start to recognize patterns and better care for yourself. Inner Autumn offers powerful insights if you take the time to listen.
If you'd like support, I offer well-woman reflexology, one-to-one yoga classes, and online restorative yoga sessions. Or feel free to email me with any questions you may have.