Jennitherapy Blog
Reflections on living well and staying healthy

What I Never Knew About Hypermobility, Diastasis and POP
I was aware that hypermobile people can be attracted to yoga as they often have much more joint flexibility... so, my intention was to learn more about the condition to better care for my students. What I wasn’t prepared for was a big revelation about my own health problems following the birth of my daughter!

Yoga for Hayfever Part 2: A Really Cool Breathing Practise!
Hayfever can cause inflammation and so you may find your head and throat or whole body feels over heated. Luckily for us, years ago in the days before air conditioning and refrigeration yogis developed a breathing practise to help counteract this.

How to control your stress, and not let it control you!
Everyone experiences stress of some sort or another in their lives, and in the right setting a little stress can actually be good for us. So what can we do to keep our stress at a manageable healthy level? There are two main areas to address

Are you struggling to keep your New Year's resolutions? Small steps and self-nurture are the key!
We often say that the New Year is a fresh start, however, if you’re anything like me, you may not feel very refreshed after the Christmas break. It can be a stressful or demanding time with all the shopping, cooking, travelling and family politics, and so we don’t necessarily start the year raring to go!

Tips for staying healthy and sane this Christmas!
As much as we think of Christmas as a time of celebration it is also for many a time of stress and potential conflict! So to help us all to come out the other side feeling rested and calm here are a few tips that I and my clients have found useful over the years:

Postnatal Recovery Part 1: Becoming a Tena Lady
Having worked regularly with my core and pelvic floor in my yoga practise for many years, I really noticed when it was gone after I gave birth. My body was no longer mine. It was heavy and achey, I could barely walk down the street. It felt like my insides were falling out, and unknown to me at that time they were, or at least heading that way. My 6 week check-up left me none the wiser as to what had happened to my body, in fact the only physical exam I had was having my blood pressure checked.

Why there's more to yoga than being bendy!
Some time ago one of my students had a wonderful insight. At the end of the class another student was praising her on how flexible she was and lamenting her perceived lack of her own ability, saying she was “not very good at yoga”. I was just about to intercede when the first student replied:
Not Just A Nipple Cream! 9 Health And Beauty Uses For Lanolin
Many mums find they have left over nipple cream and as you know, it does not come cheap!
Nipple cream is basically pure lanolin, a naturally occurring oil derived from sheep’s wool. It is deeply moisturising to the skin and provides a protective barrier, which is why it is such a balm to sore breastfeeding nipples, and why lanolin also makes it a great addition to your skincare toolbox.

Yoga for hayfever part 1: A Neti WHAT?!!!
So what’s so great about a neti pot? Well as a person who has since adolescence suffered with sinus problems and severe hayfever which lasted from March to September, practising jala neti regularly has become a game changer. At its most simple, it is the cleansing of the nasal passages with a saline solution.
Perfectionism, the great paralyser!
It has been such an insight watching my daughter learning to walk. I see how many times she wobbles, stumbles and falters and yet keeps on trying. She doesn't give up because she's not very good at walking! If we all gave up after the first few times we tried and fell, none of us would have learned to walk. And yet we can and usually don't even think twice about it. So why do we sometimes give up so easily with other skills?